Employment Discrimination Litigation Funding

Waiting On An Employment Discrimination Lawsuit? We’ve Got Answers.

TriMark Legal Funding provides cash advances on discrimination lawsuits before your case settles.

TriMark is one of America’s foremost employment discrimination litigation funding companies. We provide low-cost pre-settlement lawsuit cash advances on EEOC and workplace discrimination nationwide.

Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Funding

When you’re injured and waiting for your attorney to negotiate your lawsuit settlement, it’s easy to fall behind on your bills.

Get Immediate Inheritance Funding Now.

But your injuries weren’t your fault, so why should you have to suffer from stress or anxiety or go without the things you need?

TriMark Legal Funding is here to give you a helping hand, right when you need it the most.

Legal Funding Options

Plaintiff legal funding services are available for hundreds of different types of lawsuits including car accident lawsuit funding, employment litigation, slip and fall accident funding, legal funding for workers compensation, and settlement funding for medical malpractice, just to name a few.

Most attorneys agree that legal funding loans*, when used responsibly, can be a game-changer that can help plaintiffs maintain financial control while they wait for their settlement.

Pre-Qualify For Legal Funding Now

Get the money you need now to keep your head above water and then relax while your attorney finishes negotiating the maximum compensation you deserve.

✔️ Were you injured but it was someone else’s fault?

✔️ Are you represented by a contingent fee attorney?

✔️ Do you need money before your case settles?

If you answered yes to all three questions, there’s a good chance you’re already qualified for a lawsuit cash advance from TriMark Legal Funding.

And after you’re approved, you could receive cash in as quickly as 4 hours!

Call (877) 932-2628 and speak with one of our funding experts today.

Legal Funding FAQ

❓ Q: What Is Legal Funding?

A: Legal funding is a risk-free cash advance that provides immediate financial relief to injured plaintiffs. They’re easy to qualify for, there are no credit checks, and they are only repaid after the case is resolved successfully.

❓ Q: How Much Does Legal Funding Cost?

A: If you’re thinking about getting a lawsuit cash advance on your case, it makes sense to be concerned about the cost.

The short answer is “it depends”. Read more

Did you file a charge of discrimination against a current or former employer with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)? If so, the amount of time it is taking to resolve might be cramping your style in a big way.

Generally, the EEOC requires 180 days to investigate your complaint. If they decide in your favor, they will issue a Notice of Right to Sue. Once they do, you must file your employment discrimination lawsuit within 90 days.

If you still work for the same company, it has undoubtedly disrupted your work environment. If you quit or were terminated, it also probably disrupted your financial situation as well. The mandatory, nationwide COVID-19 quarantine might have even made things worse.

Discrimination itself may already have brought you untold pain and suffering, especially in intangible ways like emotional and psychological. Some may have experienced physical harm. But economic damages tend to exacerbate all the others.

Fortunately, you can turn to an option called lawsuit settlement funding if you are searching for financial assistance while your attorney negotiates your lawsuit settlement.

Those with an EEOC case, active or on standby for settlement, may be eligible for EEOC lawsuit funding.

Go ahead and check if it’s compatible with your case and situation.

Have Questions?
Call and speak with one of our funding experts today.

Types of Discrimination Lawsuits Eligible For Legal Funding

Here are the different types of discrimination that TriMark currently offers litigation funding on. EEOC considers retaliation and sexual harassment as forms of discrimination, which is why they are listed here also.

Employment Litigation

What Is Employment Discrimination Pre-settlement Funding?

Offering funding options to plaintiffs is one of the trends that emerged in the law landscape in the late 90s. It remains today at your service in case you are strapped for cash but don’t want to create additional debt. 

It’s important to understand what it is to know if it’s the right solution for you before you sign an application form.

  • Fast and reliable: This has got to be one of the quickest ways to access liquid funds in times of urgent or emergency needs.
  • Affordable: It features low rates, which are often difficult, or impossible, to expect from the bank or payday loans.
  • Non-recourse cash advance: A litigation financing firm will base their approval of your application on your claim’s merits. When you pass, they will advance you a portion of your settlement money’s net value. So it only makes sense if you’re asked to pay the advance once you receive your settlement check.
  • Risk-free: In connection with the above, you won’t have to even get anxious about where to source your monthly payments. You’ve already suffered enough, and you need a kind of breather.

What if your case does not settle or lose in a final trial? You can keep your advanced money. There’s no need to pay it back.

What Is Discrimination in the Workplace?

Different types of harassment, retaliation, and bias in hiring, job assignment, promotion, termination, and compensation constitute what we consider work-related discriminatory practices. 

They are illegal. Federal and state laws exist to protect job applicants and employees from these acts.

When these rights are violated, a person or group can file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The agency, created based on the Civil Rights Act, is in charge of investigating allegations, settling confirmed cases, and filing a lawsuit for unsuccessful ones.

Unfortunately, race claims are still the most common among those filed with the EEOC. Yet, they also have the lowest success rate.

That says a lot when those who get their desired result, such as money or change in work conditions, make up only 18% of the total yearly cases of 100,000.

Some have confidence in the EEOC and chosen to pull out their case and go to trial on their own.

It’s not a problem of fairness, however, but a lack of budget and manpower that makes the EEOC less effective in its job. Still, if the fundamental issues are addressed, it can assign more resources to every case. More allegations can be confirmed. 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The EEOC enforces anti-discrimination laws, including Retaliation, the Equal Pay ActAge Discrimination in Employment Act, and American with Disabilities Act

Filing a charge with the agency can be done online or in person. If your case involves the Equal Pay Act, you can go directly to court without seeking aid from the EEOC.

The rest must take note of the filing deadline based on where the discrimination happened. In general, you have 180 days from the last time of incident before forfeiting your right to take legal action.

Some nuances exist, such as follows:

  • The time limit is extended to 300 days if there is a state law prohibiting discrimination on the same basis and a state or local agency enforcing it.
  • Age discrimination can only be extended to 300 days if there’s a state law prohibiting this workplace discrimination basis, as enforced by a state agency or authority.

Filing as soon as possible is recommended, of course. Weekends and holidays are counted toward the 180 or 360 days. But you have until the next business day if the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday.

How to File an Employment Discrimination Charge with the EEOC

You have several options to take when filing for a discrimination charge with the EEOC:

  • Online: Fill out the form here.
  • In person: Go to the closest or any EEOC field office. A staff member can listen to and assess your complaint, helping you file a claim based on the information you provide.
  • State or local FEPA: Find a nearby Fair Employment Practices Agency, which is a state or local agency enforcing employment discrimination laws. Both the FEPAs and the EEOC practice protection of charging party rights at federal and state levels through dual filing, which is governed by worksharing agreements.
  • By mail: You may send a letter containing all the information stated here to the EEOC.

The federal agency does not take charges through calls. But you may contact them at 1-800-669-4000 to discuss your situation and get advice on how to proceed with your case.

More employment discrimination-related information you may be interested in:

Employment Discrimination Litigation and Settlements

Here are a number of active settlements and lawsuits filed with EEOC. See if you may have been affected by the discriminatory acts involved in these claims:

Get Employment Discrimination Litigation Funding Now

TriMark has been helping plaintiffs with legal funding for nearly two decades. Our process is fast, easy, and 100% hassle-free.

Here’s how to apply:

  1. Complete an application online, call us at (877) 932-2628, or complete the contact form below and we’ll call you back.
  2. We’ll confirm some case details with your attorney.
  3. We send your funding agreement electronically via DocuSign.
  4. Funds are sent by wire transfer, FedEx Overnight, or MoneyGram.

Why Wait? Get Fast Pre-Settlement Funding Now!

Step 1/2: Plaintiff Info

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