TriMark Legal Funding is one of America’s original lawsuit funding companies. Unfortunately, due to the BSA’s bankruptcy filing, we are no longer providing Boy Scout lawsuit loans.
* BSA Lawsuit Loans Are No Longer Available
Pre settlement funding for the Boy Scouts mass tort litigation was suspended when the BSA filed for bankruptcy on February 18, 2020.
For the latest information, please visit the Scouting Settlement Trust.
Boy Scout Lawsuit Loans

TriMark Legal Funding started providing Boy Scout lawsuit loans in 2011.
In the past, we offered post-settlement funding on settled individual Boy Scout sexual abuse cases. Most recently, we provided pre-settlement cash advances on the pending BSA mass tort multidistrict litigation.
When the BSA filed for bankruptcy on February 18, 2020, TriMark suspended its Boy Scout lawsuit loan program. Based on the most recent information we have received, TriMark does not expect to resume funding on the BSA case.
FAQ: Boy Scout Lawsuit Loans
A: We have been providing Boy Scout lawsuit loans since 2011, and funds are typically available the same day or the next day after approval.
While the current bankruptcy and settlement plan are under review pending changes and adjustments, our BSA loans program has been suspended.
If you need money immediately, however, we strongly encourage you to consider applying for one or more of our personal loan options.
A: Yes! We have a network of alternative lenders ready to help if BSA lawsuit loans aren’t available for your case. Learn more.
A: The amount of money BSA abuse survivors stand to receive from the bankruptcy plan ranges from $3,500 to $2.7 million. The exact amount will depend on the severity and frequency of the alleged abuse, where and when it occurred, and other factors.
A: Boy Scout lawsuit loans range from $500 to $100,000+, so you can request however much you need.
The amount you are approved for will depend on several factors, including how much money you request and how much your exact net settlement or net recovery will be*.
Under most circumstances, we can fund up to 20% of the estimated net settlement amount on pending cases, and up to 50% of the net settlement amount on settled cases.
* Net settlement or net recovery = gross award minus attorney fees, case costs, medical holdbacks, liens, etc.
A: Boy Scout settlement loans, as they are often called, aren’t really “loans” at all. Instead, they are a non-recourse cash advance against a portion of the future proceeds of a pending or settled legal claim.
BSA lawsuit loans are only repaid after the case has been settled successfully and the settlement check has been deposited into the plaintiff’s attorney’s trust account.
A: It’s not a problem. Our Boy Scout lawsuit loans start at just $500, so you can request as much, or as little, as you need.
A: Yes, there are a number of them.
❇️ 100% risk-free
❇️ Immediate access to some of your future settlement money
❇️ No credit check; Bad credit is OK
❇️ No co-signor required
❇️ No income verification
❇️ No employment requirements
❇️ No monthly payments
❇️ ONLY repay after you win your case
How Could So Much Abuse “Fly Under The Radar”?
From a corporate perspective, the Boy Scouts of America have known as far back as the 1920s that it had a serious problem with sexual predators within its ranks.
Apparently, some genius at BSA Corporate decided early on that it would be bad for business if everyone knew that the Boy Scouts of America was both a hotbed and a safe haven for sexual predators.
So instead of doing the right thing and stopping it, the BSA kept quiet and covered it up.
It even colluded with the Mormon Church to cover up the rampant sexual abuse, rather than alerting authorities, informing parents, warning the children, or identifying and removing the predators. In the end, they kept everything under wraps for almost a century.
Enough Is Enough
And then, one day, a guy named Kerry Lewis decided enough was enough and that he wasn’t gonna keep quiet any longer.
So he called an attorney and filed a lawsuit that would eventually pull back the curtain on the BSA and expose their despicable secrets to the entire world.
Lewis’ lawsuit was a line in the sand, and it was the beginning of the end for the BSA. Within a few short years, the multi-billion dollar financial empire would be brought to its knees and forced into bankruptcy.
Ending Sexual Abuse In The Boy Scouts
Everything started falling apart for the BSA in April 2010, when a Portland, Oregon jury awarded Kerry Lewis, the aforementioned 38-year-old former Boy Scout, an $18.5 million verdict for sexual abuse.
Still reeling from that verdict, the BSA, in September of that same year, wised up and settled another sexual abuse lawsuit brought by six other men against the Boy Scouts. They, and Lewis, as it happened, were all abused by one Timur Dykes; a convicted pedophile who also just happened to be an assistant Scoutmaster.
But it gets worse.
The jaw-dropping fact is that the BSA knew Dykes was a convicted child sex offender, but it still allowed him to continue participating in and leading troop activities. This included sleepovers at his home with the scouts, even after he confessed in 1983 to having abused as many as 17 scouts!
“Dykes was convicted three times of sexually abusing boys between 1983 and 1994, most of them Scouts. The suit alleges the Boy Scouts knew it had child molesters among its troop leaders, but didn’t tell parents or authorities. The Scouts say they kept confidential files on suspected molesters to protect children.” ~ CBS News
Attorney Kelly Clark, one of the attorneys representing the men, said he hoped the settlement would make the Boy Scouts safer for children, just as widespread sexual-abuse litigation against the Catholic Church made the church safer. “That’s not primarily because the bishops got the Holy Spirit; that’s because the bishops got sued,” Clark said.
BSA Colluded To Hide The Truth
The BSA began compiling reports, which would eventually be dubbed “Perversion Files”, as far back as the 1920s of volunteers who were considered ineligible to serve in the Boy Scouts due to claims of child sexual abuse. But they kept it a secret and did nothing to stop it.
In 1971, BSA executives admitted to destroying thousands of “Perversion Files,” i.e. files that named sexual abusers in the Scouts. Their actions effectively concealed the identities, for all time, of untold thousands of sexual abusers within the ranks of the BSA.
See the BSA abuse timeline here
The Boy Scout Lawsuit
After the Lewis verdict, attorneys defending the BSA sexual abuse cases admitted to the existence of what has notoriously been dubbed the “Perversion Files”. The perversion files database sprung into public awareness when Multnomah County Judge John Wittmayer ordered the BSA to turn over more than 1,000 such files in their possession.
The Boy Scouts of America released files for 1,247 cases in response to the court order. The files, it turns out, meticulously documented rampant sexual abuse from 1965 to 1985. That, of course, opened the floodgates.
After a nearly 10-year onslaught of litigation and confidential settlements, the BSA filed for bankruptcy protection on February 18, 2020. That was the day TriMark stopped offering Boy Scout lawsuit loans.
In all, more than 92,000 Boy Scout sexual abuse claims were filed with the bankruptcy court before November 16, 2020.
When the Boy Scouts reorganization plan was approved, TriMark Legal Funding once again began receiving hundreds of calls a day from plaintiffs requesting Boy Scout pre-settlement loans.
TriMark is committed to helping injured plaintiffs nationwide with pre-settlement funding and post-settlement funding, and the Boy Scouts lawsuit is no exception.
Boy Scout Lawsuit Update
On September 8, 2022, the Boy Scouts of America secured approval of a $2.46 billion reorganization plan from U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein in Wilmington, Delaware. This should allow the organization to exit Chapter 11 and settle decades of claims by more than 80,000 men who say they suffered sexual abuse as children by troop leaders.
As with all settlement agreements of this magnitude, we expect creditor disputes, legal challenges, and possibly even appeals. Once the dust settles and the settlement begins to take shape, the attorneys will create a payment matrix.
After that happens, TriMark will, in all likelihood, begin offering Boy Scout settlement loans again. But until that happens and the payout details become clear, TriMark will be unable to offer settlement funding on the Boy Scout lawsuit.
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Apply For Legal Funding Now
Are you ready to take charge of your finances and start putting your life back on the right track?
TriMark Legal Funding has helped thousands of people in situations similar to yours, and we are excited to help you too.

It’s free to apply, it only takes about one minute, and there is no obligation.
Best of all, you could receive your money in as little as 1 hour after you’re approved. And approvals can happen so fast that if you apply now, you could receive the cash you need as quickly as tomorrow.
You can complete our brief application online, or if you prefer, you can call us at (877) 932-2628, and one of our friendly legal funding experts will be happy to answer your questions and take your application right over the phone.
So What Are You Waiting For?
Lawsuit funding from TriMark is just pure financial help, right when you need it most.
When you choose TriMark Legal Funding, you’re in excellent hands, and we always have your back.
TriMark Legal Funding makes every effort to provide lawsuit loans, loans for lawyers, inheritance advance, probate advance, and sell structured settlement services in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.