Wisconsin Lawsuit Loans

Wisconsin Lawsuit Loans

Since 2003, TriMark Legal Funding has been one of the premier lawsuit cash advance providers in America. We put money into the hands of struggling plaintiffs in Wisconsin with personal injury lawsuits, civil rights claims, and employment litigation through fast and affordable pre settlement funding and post settlement funding.

Your finances can take a hit when you’re dealing with the combined effects of a prolonged recovery and drawn-out legal battle. Fortunately, Wisconsin lawsuit loans are here to help.

If you or a family member has sustained an injury or illness due to someone else’s negligence, you may have lost a significant source of household income. This puts a lot of strain on your pocket or bank account.

The cost of medical care and treatment alone is no joke. Of course, you still have rent or mortgage, utilities, a car loan, co-pays, and credit card bills to worry about. You also need ready cash for food and the kids’ schooling.

It doesn’t help that insurers have a reputation for taking advantage of situations like yours. When you’re at your most vulnerable, they dangle a lowball offer knowing you might not have a choice but to take the bait.

Don’t get burned out. Deal with your money problems first, and in this case, you may need help from TriMark.

Why Wait? Get Fast Pre-Settlement Funding Now!

Step 1/2: Plaintiff Info

Legal Funding in Wisconsin

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In Wisconsin, you can apply for pre-settlement funding from TriMark to cover the costs that may have cropped up while your lawsuit is ongoing.

Legal funding is a fast, low-cost, and risk-free way for plaintiffs with pending personal injury and employment-related claims to get money even before their case settles. 

It’s not a loan per se, even if it’s sometimes referred to as “lawsuit loans” and “settlement loans.” Instead, it’s a non-recourse lawsuit cash advance on your future settlement or award. There’s no need to pay monthly fees. And if you lose or don’t settle, you won’t have to return the advance.

It’s your future money made available to you in the present. And with TriMark, you can get it in as little as 12-24 hours, with no credit check, no upfront fees, and no hassles. 

Feel free to use the funds on your medical bills, rent or mortgage, car loans, utilities, insurance, and even food.

TriMark can fund on hundreds of different case types, except for workers’ comp, in Wisconsin.

Get Pre Settlement Funding in Wisconsin Now

You should be able to use pre settlement cash advance to take care of your present needs. 

Get access to lawsuit financing when you apply through TriMark. It takes only a few minutes to complete this form or call us at (877) 932-2628

The usual barriers to obtaining funds are upfront fees, monthly payments, collaterals, and the dreaded combination of credit, employment, and income checks. You don’t have to worry about those when you choose our Wisconsin lawsuit loans because our requirements are plaintiff-friendly.

To help you deal with your pressing money concerns, we also send your money in 12 to 24 hours after you’re approved. There’s no point in making you wait longer.

So, if you’re in a financial bind while pursuing a lawsuit in WI, TriMark’s got your back.

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