New Mexico Lawsuit Loans

New Mexico Lawsuit Loans

TriMark Legal Funding LLC is a settlement funding company that provides financial assistance for cash-strapped plaintiffs with pending personal injury lawsuits and employment litigation. In as little as 12-24 hours, you can have money in your hands through our fast and affordable application process. 

When your personal injury lawsuit is taking forever to settle, New Mexico lawsuit loans can provide you with ready cash for when you’re experiencing a financial shortfall.

With the complexity that comes with a personal injury caused by someone else’s negligence coupled with the lawsuit process in America, the last thing you need to worry about is getting your finances back on track. 

But there you are, facing a mounting pile of medical bills. At the same time, you’re expected to cover rent or mortgage, car loan, co-pays, utilities, etc. in a timely manner. All while also earning so much less because of reduced hours or no work at all.

You do not need to go through the process alone. We can help you. 

With TriMark Legal Funding LLC, New Mexico plaintiffs struggling financially can recover part of losses while waiting for the result of their case.

Why Wait? Get Fast Pre-Settlement Funding Now!

Step 1/2: Plaintiff Info

Pre Settlement Loans in New Mexico

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New Mexico, with its ancient-yet-living cultures, is one of America’s leading sources of natural resources, such as copper, gold, silver, and others. Activities related to these minerals contribute heavily to the state’s income. However, they also cause a tremendous toll on occupational-related injuries. 

Costs related to workplace injuries tend to pile up since you’re accumulating medical bills while losing days at work. You and your family also have living expenses you cannot simply disregard.

When you’re in a financial bind while pursuing a personal injury lawsuit or employment litigation, pre-settlement funding comes in handy.

TriMark offers New Mexico plaintiffs non-recourse lawsuit cash advances amounting from $500 to $500,000+ on various types of personal injury lawsuits, civil rights claims, and employment litigation. 

But, this does not include workers comp case and soft tissue injury-only cases in New Mexico. 

“Non-recourse” means that if you lose your case, you owe us nothing. You only repay the cash advance if you win your case. 

Also, be sure to inform us if you have if have any prior funding to your case before completing your application as lien shall be filed beforehand. 

Get Pre Settlement Funding in New Mexico Now

Applying for pre-settlement funding in New Mexico is now quick and easy with TriMark. We don’t waste time when it comes to helping you bounce back from a financial setback.

You only need a minute to submit your application with our streamlined application process. 

Complete your application online or call us toll-free at 1-(877) 932-2628, and one of our friendly legal experts will have your application processed right away. 

There are no upfront costs, credit checks, monthly payments, and employment or income verification to worry about. Best of all, you pay nothing if you don’t win.

You can have your cash in as little as 24 hours after approval. 

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